This Pentavac vaccine is intended for use of children only. It is a vaccine, used to protect us from infectious diseases like Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, hepatitis B, and serious diseases like Hib infections, This vaccine is safe for children. The dosage of this vaccine is given in series in a predetermined schedule.

So are these dosages safe for children?
- Yes they are safe for children
- If there is any swelling or redness on the injected area, difficulty breathing after the first dosage then a doctor or child specialist is to be consulted.
Precaution to be taken before the vaccination:
- Tell your doctor if your child is having some chronic or allergic disease
- Children having a low immunity system should avoid taking this vaccine and if they are having any serious disease like HIV aids, then medications of such disease are heavy than this pentavac vaccine, so it should be avoided. Once the medications of the chronic disease are finished then the child can be vaccinated with the pentavac vaccine.
Process of supervision
The vaccination must be given by medical or healthcare specialists who are trained in the use of vaccines and who are prepared to deal with any rare severe allergic response to the injection.
Pentavac is given as an injection into a muscle in your child’s thigh or upper arm. Your doctor or nurse will escape giving this injection into a blood vessel. The doctor or nurse will give your child the vaccine directly after mixing the two portions of Pentavac.
If you have any further questions on the usage of this medicine, inquire your doctor, nurse, or druggist.
Side effects caused by this vaccine:
Like various other vaccines, pentavac can also cause few side effects, which are as follows:
- 1.Trouble in breathing, blue discoloration of the tongue or lips, low blood pressure (causing dizziness), and collapsing.
- 2.Rapid indicators of allergy such as swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or other parts of the body. When these signs or symptoms happen they typically develop very rapidly after the injection is given and while the person affected is still in the clinic or doctor’s operation.
A doctor is to be consulted immediately if any of the above symptoms are seen on your child’s injected area or other parts of the body.
1. Various other reactions:
2. Loss of appetite
3. Nervousness or irritability
4. Abnormal crying
5. Drowsiness
6. Vomiting (being sick)
7. Redness at the injection site
8. Fever of 38°C or more
9. Injection site swelling
10. Injection site pain
Uncommon reactions:
- High fever over 40℃
- Prolong uncontrollable crying
- Redness and swelling more than 5 cm on the injected area.
Pentavac vaccine price in India:
It costs between Rs 600 to 700.